
Prediction and Detection of Cyberattacks using AI Model in Virtualized Wireless Networks




Securing communication between any two wireless devices or users is challenging without compromising sensitive/personal data. To address this problem, we have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to secure communication on virtualized wireless networks. To detect cyberattacks in a virtualized environment is challenging compared to traditional wireless networks setting. However, we successfully investigate an efficient cyberattack detection algorithm using an AI algorithm in a Bayesian learning model for detecting cyberattacks on the fly. We have studied the results of Random Forest and deep neural network (DNN) models to detect the cyberattacks on a virtualized wireless network, having considered the required transmission power as a threshold value to classify suspicious activities in our model. We present both formal mathematical analysis and numerical results to support our claims. The numerical results show our accuracy in detecting cyberattacks in the proposed Bayesian model is better than Random Forest and DNN models. We have also compared both models in terms of detection errors. The performance comparison results show our proposed approach outperforms existing approaches in detection accuracy, precision, and recall.



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