
A 64-element fiber laser hydrophone flank array




The flank array of fiber laser hydrophone takes the fiber laser hydrophone as the sensitive element. A type of fiber laser hydrophone with double diaphragms is designed, which has high sensitivity by using the diaphragm to increase the sound pressure effecting region, and then the sound pressure is converted into the axial strain of the laser, the results of anechoic tank test show that the average sound pressure sensitivity of fiber laser hydrophone is -136.9dB in the middle and high frequency range of 2.5 ~ 10kHz, and the fluctuation amplitude of sensitivity is not more than ±0.5dB. Taking the hydrophone as the sensing unit, a 64-element fiber laser hydrophone flank array is constructed based on wavelength division / time division multiplexing technology and passive homodyne interference detection technology. The lake test shows that the beam forming of the flank array is stable, the target bearing estimation is correct, and the root mean square error of horizontal target bearing estimation is 1.68°.



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