
Nuclear photonics with extreme gamma-ray sources




Tunable, polarized, mono-energetic, gamma-ray (MEGa-ray) beams can be created via Compton scattering of pulsed lasers off of ultra-bright electron beams. Above 2 MeV, the peak brilliance of an optimized MEGa-ray source can exceed that of world's largest synchrotrons by more than 15 orders of magnitude. These narrow-divergence, laser-like, gamma-ray beams are enabling the pursuit of new nuclear science and applications with photons, i.e. nuclear photonics. Applications include isotope-specific nuclear materials management, element-specific medical radiography and radiology, non-destructive, isotope-specific, material assay and imaging, precision spectroscopy of nuclear resonances and photon-induced fission. Scaling of MEGa-ray sources to MW beam powers is also feasible and might one day enable efficient, photon-based transmutation of materials. This presentation will review activities at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory related to the design and optimization of MEGa-ray sources and to the development and use of unique detector systems required for isotope-specific, materials applications.
机译:可调谐,极化,单能级,伽马射线(Mega射线)梁可以通过超亮电子束的脉冲激光器的康普顿散射来产生。高于2 MeV,优化的Mega射线源的峰值亮度可能超过世界上最大的同步调节超过15个数量级。这些窄性偏差,激光伽马射线束正在追求新的核科学和应用与光子,即核光子。应用包括特定于同位素的核材料管理,元素特异性医学放射线照相和放射学,非破坏性,同位素特异性,材料测定和成像,核共振的精密光谱和光子诱导的裂变。 MEGA射线光源的缩放到MW射线功率也是可行的,并且可以有一天能够高效,基于光子的材料嬗变。本演示文稿将审查劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室的活动,与Mega射线来源的设计和优化有关,以及开发和使用同位素特异性材料应用所需的独特探测器系统。



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