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Using bohn's model to conduct knowledge audit of a real-estate company




Management with relevant and deep experience and knowledge is crucial for organizational success and durability. Knowledge audit is a key step in managing knowledge. This paper uses Bohn's model of knowledge growth to develop a survey instrument for knowledge audit of a typical construction company. The instrument is applied to conduct knowledge audit of a construction company in the United Arab Emirates. Nonanka's SECI model is then used in conjunction with this model to identify and rationalize knowledge initiatives, and to help the company manage its knowledge assets better. Based on the quantitative knowledge profile, a ranked list of knowledge initiatives to help manage the company's knowledge better was also developed.
机译:具有相关和深度经验和知识的管理对于组织成功和耐用性至关重要。 知识审计是管理知识的关键步骤。 本文使用Bohn的知识增长模型,为典型建筑公司的知识审计开发调查仪器。 该仪器适用于在阿拉伯联合酋长国建筑公司进行知识审计。 然后,不安卡的SECI模型与此模型结合使用,以识别和合理化知识举措,并帮助公司更好地管理知识资产。 基于定量知识概况,还开发了一个排名为帮助管理公司知识的知识举措列表。



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