
Implementation of an electronic media security system




Recent security lapses within the Department of Energy Laboratories prompted the establishment and implementation of additional procedures and training for operations involving classified removable electronic media (CREM) storage. In addition, the definition of CREM has been expanded and the number of CREM has increased significantly. Procedures now require that all CREM be inventoried and accounted for on a weekly basis. Weekly inventories consist of a physical comparison of each item against the reportable inventory listing. Securing and accounting for CREM is a continuous challenge for existing security systems. To address the challenge, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has developed an automated electronic media security system (EMSS) for a weekly CREM inventory collection and reporting system. The EMSS approach is to tag the CREM with an electronically readable unique identification code and automatically collect data on the inventory in each security container or vault at a user-defined interval and upon detection of an access event, thus eliminating the need for hand-written inventory sheets while allowing automated transfer of the collected inventory data to an electronic reporting system. An electronic log of CREM access events is maintained, providing enhanced accountability for daily/weekly checks, routine audits, and follow-up investigations. The key attributes of the EMSS include improved accountability, reduced risk of human error, improved accuracy and timeliness of inventory data, and reduced costs as a result of man-hour reductions.
机译:最近能源实验室内的安全停滞促使建立和实施涉及分类可拆卸电子媒体(CREM)存储的额外程序和培训。此外,CREM的定义已经扩展,CREM的数量显着增加。程序现在要求每周清单和占据所有CREM。每周清单由每个项目对可报告库存列表的物理比较组成。 CREM的保护和核算是现有安全系统的持续挑战。为应对挑战,太平洋西北国家实验室(PNNL)为每周CREM库存收集和报告系统制定了自动电子媒体安全系统(EMS)。 EMSS方法是用电子可读的唯一识别码标记CREM,并在用户定义的间隔和检测到访问事件时自动在每个安全容器或Vault中收集数据的数据,从而消除了对手写的需求库存表,同时允许将收集的库存数据自动转移到电子报告系统。维护CREM访问事件的电子记录,为日常/每周检查,日常审计和后续调查提供增强的问责制。 EMS的关键属性包括提高问责制,人为错误的风险,降低了库存数据的准确性和及时性,并且由于人小时减少而降低了成本。



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