
The eROSITA Camera Array on the SRG Satellite




The SRG satellite with the eROSITA X-ray telescope as scientific payload was successfully launched on July 13. 2019 and deployed in a 6-month halo orbit around the second Lagrange point of the Sun Earth system. The telescope comprises an array of seven mirror systems with seven focal plane cameras. The spectroscopic CCD cameras are a further development of the very successful EPIC PN camera on the XMM-Newton satellite, which is still successfully operating after 20 years in space. Key component of the camera is the detector, which matches the large field of view of 1 ° to permit an all-sky survey in the energy range from 0.2 keV to 8 keV with state-of-the-art energy resolution. The image area of the PNCCD comprises 384 x 384 pixels. Their size of 75 × 75 μm~2 each, matches the angular resolution of the mirror system. Readout of the full frame is achieved in 9.18 ms but for thermal and onboard event pre-processing reasons, the time resolution is slowed down to 50 ms. The photon entrance window of five of the seven CCDs is equipped with an optical blocking filter, which turned out to be advantageous. In this work, the improved concept and design of the eROSITA cameras will be explained as well as their operation and performance in space.
机译:与eROSITA X射线望远镜为科学有效载荷的卫星SRG成功发射7月13日2019年部署在环绕太阳的地球系统的第二拉格朗日点有6个月的晕轨道。该望远镜包括七个反射镜系统的具有七个焦平面的相机阵列。该光谱CCD相机的XMM-牛顿卫星,这仍然是成功后的空间20多年的经营非常成功的EPIC PN相机的进一步发展。照相机的关键部件是检测器,其中视图的1°大字段匹配,以允许在能量范围内的全天空调查从0.2 keV到8千电子伏与国家的最先进的能量分辨率。所述PNCCD的图像区域包括384×384像素。其为75×75微米〜2各自的大小,相匹配的反射镜系统的角分辨率。全画幅的读数是9.18毫秒实现,但对热和板载事前处理的原因,时间分辨率减慢至50毫秒。七个CCD的五光子入射窗装有一个光学阻挡滤波器,这被证明是有利的。在这项工作中,对eROSITA相机改进的理念和设计将作为他们在太空中操作和性能来解释也是如此。



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