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Impact Assessment of Cross-Subsidy Surcharge on Electricity Demand in Short-Term Power Market in India




Competition is one of the major key to revive ailing power sector of the country. To increase competition in the sector, open access policy was enacted in the Electricity Act 2003 (EA 03). As per EA 03, open access means "the non-discriminatory provi- sion for the use of transmission lines or distribution system or associated facilities with such lines or system by any licensee or consumer or a person engaged in gener- ation in accordance with the regulations specified by the Appropriate Commission ".1 Before the open access policy, consumers did not have any choice for power supply other than buying it from the state utility. Even if he was not happy with the quality of power supply or the price of power, he was enforced to be connected with respective state utility only. However, after the enactment of EA 03 and in turn the open access policy, any consumer who has more than 1 MW load can choose their power supplier. Also, any captive power generator can supply power using states' transmission and distribution infrastructure. Power trading which was started in 2001 to cover the deficit of power in one region by supplying power from other surplus region was supposed to get boost after the introduction of open access policy [1]. There are two ways of power trading, either through bilateral market or through spot market at electricity exchanges. lEX was the first power exchange in India which was set up in 2008 to create electricity market at national level (Economic Survey 2015-2016). At exchange, price and quantum bids are submitted by both electricity suppliers and buyers where first bids are submitted by seller and second by the buyers, and the intersection of two decides the market clearing price and market clearing volume [2]. A buyer who wants to purchase electricity in spot market or from bilateral market, first has to get open access permission from the concerned utility and regu- latory commission. This is required as concerned utilities will need to assess the availability of transmission network capacity. An open access consumer has to pay different charges such as transmission charges, wheeling charges, and cross-subsidy charges. Transmission and wheeling charges need to be paid for the usage of trans- mission and distribution network and cross-subsidy charges are paid to compensate the loss of cross-subsidy to utility which that consumer was paying to subsidize the agricultural category of consumers.2 Cross-subsidy charge increases the overall cost of power buying from the exchange to the consumer. It takes away all the economic benefit of buying power from the exchange [ 1 ].
机译:竞争是振兴该国陷入困境的电力行业的主要关键之一。为了增加该行业的竞争,2003年《电力法》(EA 03)颁布了开放获取政策。根据EA 03,开放接入是指“任何被许可方、消费者或从事发电的人员根据相关委员会规定的条例,对输电线路或配电系统或与此类线路或系统相关的设施的使用作出的非歧视性规定”。1在开放接入政策之前,消费者除了从国家电力公司购买电力之外,没有其他选择。即使他对电力供应的质量或价格不满意,他也只能与各自的国家公用事业公司连接。然而,在EA 03和开放接入政策颁布后,任何负荷超过1 MW的用户都可以选择其电源供应商。此外,任何自备发电机都可以使用各州的输电和配电基础设施供电。电力交易始于2001年,目的是通过从其他盈余地区供电来弥补一个地区的电力短缺,在开放准入政策出台后,该交易理应得到推动[1]。电力交易有两种方式,一种是通过双边市场,另一种是通过电力交易所的现货市场。lEX是印度第一家电力交易所,成立于2008年,旨在创建国家级电力市场(2015-2016年经济调查)。在交易所,电力供应商和买方都会提交价格和数量投标,其中第一次投标由卖方提交,第二次投标由买方提交,两次投标的交集决定了市场结算价格和市场结算量[2]。买方想要在现货市场或双边市场购买电力,首先必须获得相关公用事业和监管委员会的开放接入许可。这是必要的,因为相关公用事业公司需要评估传输网络容量的可用性。开放接入消费者必须支付不同的费用,如传输费、运输费和交叉补贴费。使用输电和配电网络需要支付输电和运输费用,支付交叉补贴费用是为了补偿该消费者为补贴农业类消费者而支付的公用事业交叉补贴损失。2交叉补贴费用增加了从交易所到消费者的购电总成本。它剥夺了交易所购买力的所有经济利益[1]。



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