
DLP Systems as a Modern Information Security Control




Today, information is one of the most critical and valuable assets for success and prosperity of any company. The complexity of modern organizations and the trend to move to the cloud and outsource are increasing. At the same time the wide range of new ever-growing information security (IS) threats, especially those related to new information, communication and network technologies, services and devices, are all around us. For example, the well-publicized attack on the Sony Playstation Network, resulted in the loss of user names, passwords, addresses, birth dates and financial details of 77 million users and Sony's financial loss around $171 million (including estimates for customer support costs, legal costs and the impact on future profits), left the online gaming network suspended for weeks in 2011. The importance of using modern protection tools against internal IS threats is proved. The advantages of DLP systems over alternative solutions are disclosed. The principles and technologies underlying the operation of DLP systems are discussed. The architecture, application features and analytical capabilities of the Searchlnform Information Security Perimeter (Searchlnform) DLP system are described in detail.
机译:今天,信息是任何公司成功和繁荣的最关键和最有价值的资产之一。现代组织的复杂性和移动到云和外包的趋势正在增加。与此同时,广泛的新信息安全(是)威胁,尤其是与新信息,通信和网络技术,服务和设备有关的威胁。例如,对索尼Playstation网络的良好公布攻击,导致用户名,密码,地址,出生日期和财务详情损失为7700万用户,索尼的财务损失约为1.71亿美元(包括客户支持费用的估计,法律成本和对未来利润的影响),将在2011年暂停的在线游戏网络留下了暂停的周数。证明了利用现代保护工具对内部的重要性是威胁。公开了DLP系统在替代解决方案的优点。讨论了DLP系统操作的原则和技术。详细描述了SearchLnform Information Security Security Perimeter(SearchLnform)DLP系统的体系结构,应用特征和分析功能。



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