
Integrated Port eManagement and Monitoring System Using Radio Frequency Identification




Transportation is an essential aspect to a developing country bringing service to all the people even in the countryside. The purpose of this study is to automate port services in monitoring and supervising the increasing number of passengers, improve port services like tracing passenger, ship crew members and generating real time voyage reports. The target output of the study is to produce system features of having integrated modules for passenger ticketing, check-in/boarding, baggage billing, and tracking appropriate passenger accommodation. RFID was used in identifying and authenticating passenger tags supported by Electronic Product Code (EPC) Class 1 Gen2 standard. The hardware components were interfaced using computer program modules for monitoring passenger accommodation. The passenger ticketing was developed as a web-based application using PHP, MySQL, CodeIgniter with online booking. System testing was successfully conducted to validate the performance of the sensor and the UHF reader used for better analysis and interpretation of the desired features as designed. The report print-out generated in a form of manifest or list of passengers correspond to the embarkation and disembarkation process. The result of the experiment in a ship environment setup showed localization of using RFID technology suited to improve services at the port area.
机译:交通是发展中国家为所有人提供给所有人的重要方面。本研究的目的是自动化港口服务在监测和监督越来越多的乘客,改善追踪乘客,船员成员等港口服务,并产生实时航行报告。该研究的目标输出是生产具有用于乘客票务,入住/登机,行李票据和跟踪适当的乘客住宿的集成模块的系统特征。 RFID用于识别和验证电子产品代码(EPC)第1类Gen2标准支持的乘客标签。使用计算机程序模块接口硬件组件,用于监控乘客住宿。使用PHP,MySQL,CodeIgniter具有在线预订,作为基于Web的应用程序开发了乘客票务。成功进行了系统测试以验证传感器的性能和用于更好地分析和解释所需功能的UHF阅读器。报告以表明或乘客名单的形式进行打印,对应于开始和下行过程。船舶环境设置中的实验结果显示了使用适合于改善港口地区的服务的RFID技术的本地化。



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