首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Materials Engineering, Manufacturing Technology and Control >Auto-extraction of space debris features based on autofocus search and inverse Radon transform

Auto-extraction of space debris features based on autofocus search and inverse Radon transform




A method for automatic and accurate feature extraction of space debris is proposed. The echo model of space debris in orbit is formulated first. Then an autofocus search method is presented to obtain the Doppler signature of space debris based on the predicted orbit. The inverse Radon transform (IRT) is used to automatically extract features of space debris. The extraction of spin periods is considered as an example to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Quantitative simulation results prove that estimated parameter is sufficient in accuracy.
机译:提出了一种用于空间碎片的自动和准确特征提取方法。 首先制定轨道中空间碎片的回声模型。 然后,提出了一种自动对焦搜索方法以基于预测的轨道获得空间碎片的多普勒签名。 逆氡变换(IRT)用于自动提取空间碎片的特征。 旋转时段的提取被认为是示例以说明所提出的方法的有效性。 定量仿真结果证明了估计参数的准确性足够。



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