首页> 外文会议>American Museum of Natural History Conference >Art as an Evolutionary Adaptation: Inspiration from the Visible Supernovae of AD 1054 and AD 3054

Art as an Evolutionary Adaptation: Inspiration from the Visible Supernovae of AD 1054 and AD 3054

机译:艺术作为进化适应:AD 1054和AD 3054的可见超端的启发



The authors, an astronomer/priest and an anthropologist/biologist, describe their use of the dramatic arts at the INSAP VIII meeting in their performance of two short skits on the sighting of a supernova in AD 1054 (creating the beautiful Crab Nebula) and a future "Rho Cas" stellar explosion in the constellation Cassiopeia, in AD 3054. They speculate on the emergence of science, religion, and art as bona fide adaptations, responding to natural selection, which served early hominins well in their struggle for existence. They draw parallels to the continued functions of science, religion, and art in modern society.
机译:作者,一个天文学家/牧师和人类学家/生物学家,描述了他们在INSAP VIII会议上使用了戏剧性的戏剧性,他们在AD 1054(创建美丽的螃蟹星云)和A的超新星瞄准Supernova 未来“Rho Cas”在Ad 3054中的星座Cassiopeia的恒星爆炸。他们推测了科学,宗教和艺术的出现,作为BONA FIDE适应,响应自然选择,这在他们斗争中提供了早期的Hominins。 他们在现代社会中将相似之处绘制到持续的科学,宗教和艺术职能。



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