




The 7th Scientific-Technical Conference on Material Problems in Civil Engineering (MATBUD'2015) took place at Cracow University of Technology, Poland, between 22th and 24th June 2015. It was the seventh edition of this conference, which is traditionally organized by the Chair of Building Materials Technology and Structure Protection, Institute of Building Materials and Structures of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Cracow University of Technology. The conference was organized under the auspices of the Section of Building Materials Engineering, a part of the Committee of Civil Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences as well as the Civil Engineering Commission and Ceramics Science Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow Branch. The Conference was hosted by Cracow University of Technology, founded in 1945 and celebrating its 70 anniversary this year. Like in 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2011, the meeting was aimed at getting together researchers, scholars and PhD students representing all areas of Civil Engineering and Building Materials Engineering from the Visegrad Group and other European countries in order to promote exchange of opinions and to facilitate networking and finding partners for future collaboration. The main focus of this Conference were several areas of the Materials Science Engineering: development, processing, evaluation, applications, and performance of construction materials in civil engineering, properties of contemporary cement composites, innovative materials in civil engineering application (including nanotechnology), polymer building composite materials, timber and wood products, NDT in civil engineering, repair, renovation and strengthening of buildings and civil engineering structures, modernization and revitalization of historic structures, fire behaviour of materials, sustainable building materials and technologies and, finally, the problems related to materials in European standardization.



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