首页> 外文会议>Hydrovision International Conference and Exhibition >Water Use Optimization Project: Development and Demonstration of Advanced Hydropower Planning and Operational Decision Tools

Water Use Optimization Project: Development and Demonstration of Advanced Hydropower Planning and Operational Decision Tools




A major challenge facing conventional hydropower plants is to operate more efficiently while dealing with an increasingly uncertain water-constrained environment and complex electricity markets. The objective of a three-year project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy is to develop and demonstrate an analytical tool set that will assist operators in meeting this challenge. A team of DOE National Laboratories is preparing a suite of advanced analytical tools for improving hydropower operational efficiency and environmental performance decisions. This tool set enhances available tools through the integration of water forecasting, reservoir and power system modeling, stream flow routing, ecological simulations and hydropower performance metrics. Tool set components are designed to operate individually or as an integrated suite. The tool set addresses a continuum of time horizons from long-term planning to real-time operations and is designed to be applicable for a wide range of hydropower operations and environmental conditions. The long term goal is that the tool set will be deployed by hydropower operators to assist in market, schedule, dispatch, and operational decisions. The team is being guided by a Technical Review Committee of representatives from key hydropower stakeholders. The tool set performance is currently being assessed and evaluated against baseline operational performance characteristics at U.S. sites. Modifications and refinements will be made as necessary to help assure that the tool set provides practical and useful means to help manage risks associated with hydrological uncertainty and adverse environmental impacts, to reduce costs, increase unit availability and plant capacity factors and to enhance the economic value of hydropower resources. A key goal is to develop tools end-users can, and will, use. This presentation will provide an overview and status of the project.
机译:常规水电站面临的主要挑战是在处理日益不确定的防水环境和复杂电力市场的同时更有效地运行。由美国能源部资助的为期三年项目的目标是开发和展示一个分析工具集,将协助运营商在满足这一挑战方面。 DOE国家实验室团队正在为改善水电运营效率和环境绩效决策准备一套先进的分析工具。该工具集通过整合水预测,水库和电力系统建模,流流量路由,生态模拟和水电性能指标来增强可用工具。工具集组件旨在单独操作或作为集成套件运行。该工具组可以从长远规划到实时操作,旨在适用于各种水电操作和环境条件的时间范围。长期目标是工具集将由水电运营商部署,以协助市场,进度,派遣和运营决策。该团队正在由关键水电利益攸关方的代表技术审查委员会为指导。目前正在评估和评估工具集性能,并针对美国网站的基线运行性能特征进行评估。根据需要进行修改和改进,以帮助确保工具集提供实用的和有用手段,以帮助管理与水文不确定性和不利环境影响有关的风险,以降低成本,增加单位可用性和工厂容量因素,并提高经济价值水电资源。一个关键目标是开发工具最终用户可以,将使用。此演示文稿将提供项目的概述和状态。



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