
Vacuum Carburizing Large Gears




Vacuum carburizing of gears has typically been limited to parts with relatively small cross-sections. Most alloys currently in use require oil quenching to achieve adequate surface hardness and core properties in large gear applications. Pit or large batch IQ furnaces with endothermic atmospheres are often used to process this type of gear. The majority of vacuum carburizing equipment is designed for processing smaller parts with a high pressure gas quench. Recent equipment and process developments allow vacuum carburizing and oil quenching of very large gears and pinions - up to 70" diameter and 7,000 lbs. Fixture design and careful process control help minimize distortion, while providing the case uniformity and surface integrity that is unique to vacuum carburizing. This paper will discuss specific case studies involving large gears and pinions. Distortion, case hardness profiles and microstructures from conventional gas carburizing and vacuum carburizing will be examined and compared.
机译:真空渗碳齿轮通常仅限于具有相对较小的横截面的零件。目前正在使用的大多数合金需要油淬火以在大型齿轮应用中实现足够的表面硬度和核心特性。坑或大型批量米泉炉具有吸热气氛通常用于处理这种类型的齿轮。大多数真空渗碳设备设计用于处理具有高压气体淬火的较小部件。最近的设备和工艺开发允许真空渗碳和石油淬火非常大的齿轮和小齿轮 - 直径70英寸直径和7,000磅。夹具设计和仔细的过程控制有助于最小化扭曲,同时提供真空均匀的均匀性和表面完整性渗碳。本文将讨论涉及大型齿轮和小齿轮的具体案例研究。将检查和比较传统气体渗碳和真空渗碳的变形,壳体硬度曲线和微观结构。



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