首页> 外文会议>Conference on remote sensing of the marine environment >Did huge tsunami on 11 March 2011 impact seagrass bed distributions in Shizugawa Bay, Sanriku Coast, Japan?

Did huge tsunami on 11 March 2011 impact seagrass bed distributions in Shizugawa Bay, Sanriku Coast, Japan?




Seagrass beds play important roles for coastal ecosystems as an ecosystem engineer and also as a habitat for fish and mollusks as spawning, nursery and feeding grounds, and provide us important ecological services. On 11 March 2011, huge tsunami hit Sanriku Coast, Japan, after the big earthquakes occurred in Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Seagrass beds were distributed on sandy or muddy bottom in Shizugawa Bay, Sanriku Coast. Thus, remote sensing research was conducted to evaluate impact of the tsunami on seagrass bed in Shizugawa Bay, Sanriku Coast. GeoEye-1 multi-band imageries taken on 4 November 2009 and 22 February 2012 were analyzed to map seagrass beds before and after the tsunami, respectively. Analysis of the former imagery showed seagrass beds were distributed in sheltered bottom against waves along the coast corresponding to seagrass distributions obtained through inquiry to fishermen and references on seagrass bed distributions before the tsunami. Analysis of the latter imagery indicated that seagrass bed distributions on 22 February 2012 were less than on 4 November 2009. Seagrass beds in the bay head disappeared while some seagrass beds remained behind the points along the north coast. This was verified by the field survey conducted in October 2011 and May and October 2012. Since the tsunami waves propagated into the bay along the longitudinal axis of the bay without crossing both sides of the bay, they produced only big sea-level changes during the propagation along the both sides from the center to the bay mouth. Their energy is concentrated the bay head and removes seagrass with sand and mud substrates. On the other hand, the tsunami higher than 12 m could not completely destroy seagrass beds due to topographic effect protecting seagrass from strong force by the tsunami. Thus, all seagrass weren't destroyed completely in Shizugawa Bay even by the hit of the huge tsunami.
机译:海草床为沿海生态系统作为生态系统工程师发挥重要作用,也作为鱼类和软体动物的栖息地,作为产卵,苗圃和喂养场地,并为我们提供重要的生态服务。 2011年3月11日,巨大的海啸袭击了日本三星海岸,大地震发生在西北太平洋。海草床分布在Sanriku海岸的Shizuawa Bay的桑迪或泥泞底部。因此,进行了遥感研究,以评估海啸对沙皇海湾海岸海湾床的影响。在2009年11月4日和2012年2月22日拍摄的Geoeye-1多频段成像分别分别分别在海啸前后映射海草床。对前图像的分析显示海草床在海岸沿着海岸分布在遮挡的底部,与海岸分布相对应通过调查渔民获得的海盗分布以及海啸前的海草床分布的参考。后者图像分析表明,2012年2月22日的海草床分布少于2009年11月4日。海湾头部的海草床消失,而一些海草床仍然落在北海岸的积分后面。这是由2011年10月和2012年5月和2012年10月进行的现场调查验证的。由于海啸波沿着海湾的纵向轴传播到海湾,而不会穿过海湾的两侧,因此它们只生产了大海水平的变化沿着两侧从中心到海湾嘴的传播。他们的能量集中了海湾头,并用沙子和泥浆脱离海草。另一方面,由于海啸保护海草的地形效果,海啸高于12米的海啸不能完全破坏海草床。因此,即使受到巨大的海啸的击中,所有海草都不会完全在沙浦海湾被摧毁。



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