
Promotion of renewable energy in Rosia Career




This paper will present a renewable energy solution, using the potential energy of water results from the aquifer formations by dewatering the mining area of the Rosia Jiu in order operating safely of lignite deposit. In the perimeter of the Rosia Jiu the exploitation of lignite is realize in heavy hydrogeology condition, the quantities of waters comes from three different sources: (1) Surface water from precipitation inside the perimeter as well as the surrounding areas with positive landforms - a seasonal sources but can be torrential; (2) The water coming from aquifers with hydrostatic level to download free natural slopes of working career, and is collected and routed to specific work stations for evacuation pump stations outside the perimeter; (3) The water from captive horizons and horizon artesian pressure in layer V couch horizons are tension release by specific works, the water from this work are directed to the central station pumps. (4) The disposal of water from Rosia Jiu area is realize by some high capacity pumps station to the guard channel that are build on the contour perimeter, water that are disposal trough these to the Jiu river. The volume of water discharged from the perimeter Rosia Jiu in the one year reported to one extracted lignite tones is 6:1 m~3/tone.
机译:本文将呈现可再生能源解决方案,利用含水层结构的潜在能量,通过将罗西九的矿区脱水,以安全的褐煤沉积物进行操作。在Rosia Jiu的围绕着褐煤的剥削是在繁重的水文地质条件下实现的,水的数量来自三种不同的来源:(1)表面水从周边的沉淀以及带有正地貌的周围区域 - 季节性来源,但可能是暴徒的; (2)来自含水层的水液管的水分下载免费的工作生涯的自然斜坡,并被收集到特定的工作站,用于疏散泵站以外的空间; (3)来自俘虏视野和地平线艺术压力的水层v沙发视野是由特定作品的张力释放,从而从这项工作的水被引导到中央车站泵。 (4)从Rosia jiu区域的水处理通过一些高容量泵站来实现,该泵站是在轮廓周边,水上的水上的水平上构建的保护渠道。从据报道的一年中,从周边罗西亚九排出的水量为1岁以上的褐煤色调为6:1 m〜3 /音调。



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