
Energy Strategy for Sustainable Development of Gorj County

机译:Gorj County可持续发展能源战略



This study is an answer to the challenges of globalization in order to provide a living environment in a continuum temporal. On one hand, we take into consideration current social-economic, political and cultural constraints, as they are expressed in Romania - late consequences of the former totalitarian regime -, and on the other hand, a system of constraints required by the sustainable development. In elaborating the sustainable development strategy of Gorj County - Romanian territorial administrative unit - we take into consideration the double coordinate of the sustainable development vector: a) rationalization of non-renewable resources for a long-term and medium-term preservation of the current potential of Gorj and b) supporting energy consumptions by using alternative, renewable forms along with reparatory measures and actions, that are thoroughly scheduled. Therefore, economic efficiency is judged in other terms, making an evaluation from ex tunc (past and present) towards ex nunc (future), case in which total costs are not estimated only at the levels of restrictive-temporal costs (here and now) in order to achieve profit (case in which a sine dies transfer of total costs required by sustainable development is made) but, these total costs include concomitantly economic costs strictly connected to energy production and necessary costs for a living environment desirable for future generations, in which case the responsibility for full payment of these costs is borne by the administrative and political actors, economic agents at any moment.
机译:这项研究是一个答案,全球化的挑战,以提供一个连续的时间生活环境。一方面,我们考虑到目前的社会,经济,政治和文化的限制,因为它们是在罗马尼亚表示 - 前极权主义政权的末期后果 - ,而在另一方面,需要通过可持续发展的制约制度。在制定戈尔日县的可持续发展战略 - 罗马尼亚领土行政单位 - 我们考虑到可持续发展载体的双重坐标:1)当前潜在的长期和中期保存不可再生资源的合理化的戈尔日和b)通过使用替代,可再生能源形式与赔偿性措施和行动,这是彻底的计划沿支撑的能源消耗。因此,经济效率判定在其他方面,作出评价,从EX tunc(过去和现在)对前NUNC(未来)的情况下,其中总成本不仅在限制,时间成本的水平(此时此地)估计为了实现盈利(情况,其中正弦模具转移以可持续发展所需的总成本是由),但是,这些总成本包括严格连接到能源的生产伴随经济成本和生活环境,希望子孙后代必要的成本,这种情况下,对于全额支付这些费用的责任是由行政和政治行为,经济行为主体在任何时刻承担。



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