首页> 外文会议>International Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Digital Heritage >Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Valorization in the Governorate of Tartous with Reference to the Euromed IV Project: The Contribution of Geomatics

Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Valorization in the Governorate of Tartous with Reference to the Euromed IV Project: The Contribution of Geomatics




Six Mediterranean countries are participating in the "Mare Nostrum" project: "A Heritage Trail along the Phoenician maritime routes and through the historic port cities"; the goal of this project is to valorize the cultural heritage of the sites involved by promoting and supporting sustainable tourism. WP4 concentrates on the port cities of Tyre and Tartous, chosen as pilot sites. The on site research was conducted in accordance with the WP4 objectives: on the one hand a survey campaign was set up to acquire metric and qualitative data on the structures chosen as samples; on the other hand an enormous amount of photographic and video documentation was collected for the 3D models that were produced in the first phase. The paper will describe how the disciplines involved in Geomatics can provide important contributions to all four phases of the Heritage and Development framework.
机译:六个地中海国家正在参加“母马诺克朗”项目:“沿着腓尼基海事航线和历史港口城市的一条遗产踪迹”;该项目的目标是通过促进和支持可持续旅游业所涉及的遗址的文化遗产。 WP4专注于轮胎和天然瀑布的港口城市,被选为试点。根据WP4目标进行了现场研究:一方面,在一方面,设立了调查活动,以获得作为样本所选择的结构的度量和定性数据;另一方面,为在第一阶段产生的3D模型收集了大量的摄影和视频文档。本文将描述涉及地理学的学科如何为遗产和发展框架的所有四个阶段提供重要贡献。



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