
Sentiment Analysis on Social Media




The Web is a huge virtual space where to express and share individual opinions, influencing any aspect of life, with implications for marketing and communication alike. Social Media are influencing consumersâ preferences by shaping their attitudes and behaviors. Monitoring the Social Media activities is a good way to measure customersâ loyalty, keeping a track on their sentiment towards brands or products. Social Media are the next logical marketing arena. Currently, Facebook dominates the digital marketing space, followed closely by Twitter. This paper describes a Sentiment Analysis study performed on over than 1000 Facebook posts about newscasts, comparing the sentiment for Rai - the Italian public broadcasting service - towards the emerging and more dynamic private company La7. This study maps study results with observations made by the Osservatorio di Pavia, which is an Italian institute of research specialised in media analysis at theoretical and empirical level, engaged in the analysis of political communication in the mass media. This study takes also in account the data provided by Auditel regarding newscast audience, correlating the analysis of Social Media, of Facebook in particular, with measurable data, availbale to public domain.
机译:网络是一个庞大的虚拟空间,在那里表达和分享个人意见,影响生活的任何方面,具有营销和沟通的影响。社交媒体正在影响消费者â通过塑造他们的态度和行为来偏好。监控社交媒体活动是衡量客户&#x00e2的好方法;忠诚度,对品牌或产品的情绪保持一系列。社交媒体是下一个逻辑营销领域。目前,Facebook占据了数字营销空间,紧随其后的推特。本文介绍了一项关于关于新闻广告的300多个Facebook帖子的情感分析研究,比较了RAI - 意大利公共广播服务的情绪 - 走向新兴和更具活力的私营公司LA7。该研究地图研究结果与OSServatorio di Pavia的观察结果,这是一个专门从事理论和经验层面的媒体分析的意大利研究所,从事大众媒体中的政治交流。本研究还考虑到Auditel提供关于新闻观众的数据,特别是Facebook的社交媒体分析,特别是可衡量的数据,可用于公共领域。



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