
Temperature-regulated 22 GHz water vapor radiometers for CARMA

机译:用于CARMA的温度调节的22 GHz水蒸气辐射仪



The Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) have carried out a water vaporradiometer (WVR) project to test the WVR phase correction technique for better observational efficiency. Wehave built two uncooled, but temperature-regulated, 22 GHz WVR prototypes to explore the feasibility of thetechnique. To better isolate the effects of instrumental and atmospheric instabilities, we have optimized the WVRdesign for simplicity with less high frequency components. The calibration system is Dicke switch with a singleambient load. The thermal regulation system consists of heaters and multi-stage insulation. We have completedtesting of the WVR prototypes in a laboratory and at the CARMA site. The gain stability is about 20-100 mKand the front-end temperature rms is about a few mK to hundreds, depending on weather conditions. Based onthe site tests, the sky temperature at 22 GHz usually varies a few K in 15 minutes, which is not necessary dueto the atmospheric water vapor. Such short time-scale background temperature variation overwhelms the limitof the WVR dynamic range. Moreover, we have compared the WVR data rms with the phase monitor at thesite and obtain a scale factor of the 22 GHz water vapor line, 6-12, which is consistent with the results of otherWVR projects. We suggest that expanding the WVR dynamic range with diode detector models and a betterthermal regulation system are keys to the success of the CARMA WVR phase correction.
机译:用于研究毫米波天文学(CARMA)的研究组合阵列已经进行了水毒仪(WVR)项目,以测试WVR相位校正技术以获得更好的观察效率。 Wehave建于两个未加工,但温度调节,22 GHz WVR原型,以探索Thetechnique的可行性。为了更好地隔离仪器和大气不稳定性的影响,我们为简单的频率分量而优化了WVRDesign。校准系统是带有单一负载的DICKE开关。热调节系统由加热器和多级绝缘材料组成。我们在实验室和Carma网站上完成了WVR原型。取决于天气条件,增益稳定性约为20-100 mkAND约20-100 mkAND,前端温度RMS大约几MK到数百毫秒。在现场测试的基础上,22 GHz的天空温度通常在15分钟内变化几个K,这是不需要大气水蒸气的必需品。这种短时间尺度背景温度变化压倒了WVR动态范围的限制。此外,我们已经将WVR数据RM与相位监测器进行了比较,并获得了22GHz水蒸气线6-12的比例因子,这与其他WVR项目的结果一致。我们建议将WVR动态范围扩展到二极管检测器模型和更新的热调节系统是Carma WVR相位校正成功的键。



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