
Wide Field X-ray Telescope Mission




The Wide Field X-Ray Telescope (WFXT) will carry out an unprecedented X-ray survey of galaxy clusters and groups, AGNs and QSOs, and galaxies. WFXT is a medium-class strategic mission that will address key questions in both Cosmic Origins and Physics of the Cosmos. WFXT will be orders of magnitude more effective than previous X-ray missions in performing surveys to a given limiting flux. The angular resolution of ti 5" will be finer than provided by any currently planned large-area X-ray survey and highly efficient at discriminating AGNs and QSOs from extended emission from sources such as galaxies and clusters. The Burrows, Burg and Giacconi ideal optical solution gives an approximately constant angular resolution of 3-5 arc seconds across a field of 1-1.5 degrees diameter. A preliminary telescope design provides a resulting grasp an order of magnitude larger than current or future missions. We plan a combination of three surveys and, at each flux limit. WFXT will cover orders of magnitude more area than all previous and planned missions, with the deep 100 deg~2 survey reaching the same flux limit as the deepest Chandra surveys to date. The WFXT mission addresses key cosmological and astrophysical science objectives including: the formation and evolution of clusters of galaxies with the associated cosmological and astrophysical implications; black hole formation and evolution: Lae interaction of black-hole driven AGNs with cluster and galaxy properties; and the high-energy stellar component and the hot ISM phase of galaxies WFXT is a mission for the entire astronomical community. The data from these surveys will be made readily available to the community in timely data releases to be used in a multitude of multi-waveband studies that will revolutionize astronomy.
机译:广场X射线望远镜(WFXT)将对Galaxy集群和团体,AGNS和QSOS和Galaxies进行前所未有的X射线调查。 WFXT是一种中等级的战略使命,将解决宇宙起源和宇宙物理的关键问题。 WFXT将比以前的X射线任务更有效地对给定的限制通量进行调查,更有效。 TI 5“的角度分辨率将比任何当前计划的大型X射线测量提供,并且在鉴别AGNS和QSOS中,从诸如星系和集群等来源的延长排放来实现高效。洞穴,Burg和Giacconi理想的光学溶液在直径1-1.5度的场上提供3-5秒的大致恒定角度分辨率。初步望远镜设计提供了比当前或未来任务大的数量级的掌握。我们计划三次调查的组合在每个助焊剂限制。WFXT将占据所有面积的秩序,而不是所有先前和计划的任务,深度100℃的调查达到与日期最深的Chandra调查相同的助焊剂限制。WFXT任务地址关键宇宙学和天体物理科学目标包括:具有相关宇宙学和天体物理影响的星系簇的形成和演变;黑洞形成和e努力:黑洞驱动AGN与簇和星系属性的LAE相互作用;和高能量的恒星成分和星系的热门ISM阶段WFXT是整个天文社区的任务。这些调查中的数据将在群组中及时地提供,以便在大量多波段研究中使用,以彻底改变天文学。



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