首页> 外文会议>International Symposium Conservation of Ancient Sites >Reinforcement removement Relocation and Protection Technology of ancient elephant's footprints Yangyuan 'Nihewan Culture' Maquan ditch Ruins in Hebei Province

Reinforcement removement Relocation and Protection Technology of ancient elephant's footprints Yangyuan 'Nihewan Culture' Maquan ditch Ruins in Hebei Province

机译:古大象脚印的加固搬迁搬迁与保护技术杨源“尼北文化”河北省Maquan Ditch Ruins



Maquan ditch Ruins is the earliest discovered Nihewan Culture Relics,the footprints of elephants and other large animals are first found in China's Paleolithic sites.This paper presents reinforcement removement relocation and protection Technology of 200 million years ago ancient elephant's footprints in Maquan ditch ruinsfrom reinforcement after found to removement and relocation which are used the traditional taoxiang technology.According to the local climate changes and unique position and the disease situation in the explore areas of Ancient elephant's footprints,we take a variety of measures of reinforce and protection.At last we achieved the purpose of scientific protection and satisfactory results.
机译:Maquan Ditch Ruins是最早发现的Nihewan文物,大象和其他大型动物的足迹首先在中国的旧石器时代发现。本文提出了200万年前古代大象古代大象脚印的加固搬迁和保护技术之后发现去除和搬迁,这些都是传统的泰诺祥技术。根据当地的气候变化和独特的地位和疾病局势在探索古代大象的脚印,我们采取了各种各样的加强和保护措施。最后我们达到了科学保护和令人满意的结果的目的。




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