
The calibration of AVHRR visible dual gain using Meteosat-8 for NOAA-16 to 18




The NOAA AVHRR program has given the remote sensing community over 25 years of imager radiances to retrieve global cloud, vegetation, and aerosol properties. This dataset can be used for long-term climate research if the AVHRR instrument is well calibrated. Unfortunately, the AVHRR instrument does not have onboard visible calibration and does degrade over time. Vicarious post-launch calibration is necessary to obtain cloud properties that are not biased over time. The recent AVHRR/3 instrument has a dual gain in the visible channels in order to achieve greater radiance resolution in the clear-sky. This has made vicarious calibration of the AVHRR/3 more difficult to unravel. Reference satellite radiances from well-calibrated instruments, usually equipped with solar diffusers, such as MODIS, have been used to successfully vicariously calibrate other visible instruments. Transfer of calibration from one satellite to another using co-angled, collocated, coincident radiances has been well validated. Terra or Aqua MODIS and AVHRR comparisons can only be performed over the poles during summer. However, geostationary satellites offer a transfer medium that captures both parts of the dual gain. This AVHRR/3 calibration strategy uses Meteosat-8 radiances (calibrated with MODIS) simultaneously to determine the dual gains using 50km regions. The dual gain coefficients will be compared with the nominal coefficients. Results will be shown for all visible channels for NOAA-17.
机译:Noaa AVHRR计划已经给出了超过25年的成像仪放射的遥感社区,以检索全球云,植被和气溶胶属性。如果AVHRR仪器校准,则该数据集可用于长期气候研究。不幸的是,AVHRR仪器没有船上可见校准,随着时间的推移会降低。替代启动后校准是必要获取随时间偏置的云属性。最近的AVHRR / 3仪器在可见频道中具有双重增益,以便在清晰的天空中实现更大的辐射分辨率。这使得AVHRR / 3更加难以解开的校准。来自良好校准仪器的参考卫星广域,通常配备有太阳漫射器,如MODIS,已被用来成功地校准其他可见仪器。使用共同角度,搭配的一个卫星将校准从一个卫星转移到另一个卫星,重合的反射得到了很好的验证。 Terra或Aqua Modis和AVHRR比较只能在夏季进行杆子进行。然而,地球静止卫星提供传输介质,其捕获双重增益的两个部分。此AVHRR / 3校准策略同时使用Meteosat-8辐射(用MODIS校准)来确定使用50km区域的双重增益。将双增益系数与标称系数进行比较。对于NOAA-17的所有可见通道,将显示结果。



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