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Highly Efficient and Greener Civil Aviation - Organising a Step Jump towards ACARE Goals: An Opportunity for the Present a Vision for Future

机译:高效和更环保的民用航空 - 组织迈出竞争目标的一步:目前的机会和未来的愿景



Over the last 70 years, the civil aviation industry has dominated world transport. Growth has been upwards - bigger, farther and faster on an economic productivity basis. With awareness of environmental issues, noise, emissions and energy/fossil fuel reserves, changes will happen and possibly in an accelerating fashion to improve the carbon balances. The NASA and ACARE (Europe) objectives are to reduce Aviation's environmental impact by 50% or more. This paper reviews the current work towards meeting such challenging objectives. A new set of Efficiency metrics of Civil Aviation allow development of a "unified" consistent efficiency theme, relating Payload, Range, Fuel consumed and a measure of Unit Costs. The "value" (cost) and noise effective efficiencies decrease dramatically with increasing Range. An operational strategy leads to a way forward for Fuel-efficient Commercial Aviation using smaller aircraft, adopting Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) and Close Formation Flying (CFF). For longer ranges, AAR and CFF, in concert, go most of the way toward satisfying NASA/ACARE objectives. Several avenues of further work arise.
机译:在过去的70年,民航业一统天下的运输。增长一直向上 - 更大,更远,更快的经济生产力基础上。随着环境问题,噪声,排放和能源/矿物燃料储量的意识,改变将会发生,并可能在加速的方式来提高碳平衡。美国航天局和ACARE(欧洲)的目标是50%,以减少航空对环境的影响或更多。本文回顾了在满足这种具有挑战性的目标,目前的工作。一组新的民用航空的效率指标的允许“统一”的一贯主题效益的发展,与有效载荷,范围,燃油消耗和单位成本的措施。 “价值”(成本)和噪声的有效效率随距离急剧下降。操作策略导致前进省油商业航空的方式使用较小型的飞机,采用空气对空中加油(AAR)和关闭编队飞行(CFF)。对于更长的范围,AAR和CFF,在演唱会,去的最多的方式向满足NASA / ACARE目标。进一步的工作几种途径出现。



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