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Evaluating Technologies for Tactical Information Management in Net-Centric Systems




Recent trends in distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems motivate the development of tactical information management capabilities that ensure the right information is delivered to the right place at the right time to satisfy quality of service (QoS) requirements in heterogeneous environments. A promising approach to building and evolving large-scale and long-lived tactical information management systems are standards-based QoS-enabled publish/subscribe (pub/sub) platforms that enable applications to communicate by publishing information they have and subscribing to information they need in a timely manner. Since there is little existing evaluation of how well these platforms meet the performance needs of tactical information management, this paper provides two contributions: (1) it describes three common architectures for the OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS), which is a QoS-enabled pub/sub platform standard, and (2) it evaluates three implementations of these architectures to investigate their design tradeoffs and to compare their performance. Our results show that DDS implementations perform well in general and are well-suited for certain classes of data-critical tactical information management systems.
机译:近期分布式实时和嵌入式(DRE)系统的趋势激励了战术信息管理能力的发展,确保正确信息在合适的时间交付到正确的位置,以满足异构环境中的服务质量(QoS)要求。建立和不断发展大规模和长期的战术信息管理系统的有希望的方法是基于标准的QoS的发布/订阅(PUB / Sub)平台,使应用程序能够通过发布信息和订阅所需信息来进行通信及时。由于对这些平台符合战术信息管理性能需求的情况几乎没有现有的评估,因此本文提供了两种贡献:(1)它描述了OMG数据分发服务(DDS)的三个常见架构,这是一个启用QoS的QoS PUB / SUB平台标准,和(2)它评估了这些架构的三种实现,以调查其设计权衡并比较其表现。我们的结果表明,DDS实现一般表现良好,非常适合某些类别的数据关键战术信息管理系统。



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