
Land and water resources




Among the world's developing regions, Asia holds the dubious distinction of having the most serious problems with its water and land resources. Compared with Africa and Latin America, Asia has a lot less arable land per capita. A much larger proportion of its agricultural land is being seriously degraded and its forests are disappearing at the fastest rates. This paper takes stock of land and water resources of Asian countries, focusing on issues related to their efficient and equitable use and future sustainability. Land, as considered here, encompasses the soil and all of the natural resources of indigenous plants, animals and microorganisms, of which Asia is particularly well endowed. The region's rich biotic resource has been most effectively exploited to provide for local livelihood, from fishery to rice production and gathering of minor forest products. Local management has contributed to conservation in some places, but in many others local biodiversity is now under threat-traditional rice varieties have been disappearing from farmers' fields, and fishery resources are rapidly becoming depleted. Local conflicts over water have begun to flare up between upstream and downstream users, with potential for major regional ones over the major rivers such as the Mekong, as well as across sectors, including industrial and domestic use and agriculture. Lessons, experiences and understanding from other parts of the world should be fully exploited to help Asia sustainably manage its water and land resources efficiently and equitably. However, local research and development capacity will be essential to solve problems that are unique to the region.
机译:在世界发展中国家中,亚洲持有其水和土地资源最严重问题的可疑区别。与非洲和拉丁美洲相比,亚洲人均耕地较少。其农业土地的比例大幅降低,其森林以最快的速度消失。本文占据亚洲国家的土地和水资源,重点关注与其高效和公平使用和未来可持续性有关的问题。在这里考虑的土地包括土壤和土着植物,动物和微生物的所有自然资源,其中亚洲特别好禀赋。该地区丰富的生物资源得到了最有效的利用,为当地生计提供,从渔业到大米生产和聚类林产品聚集。地方管理层有助于保护在某些地方,但在许多其他地方,当地的生物多样性现在正在威胁 - 传统的水稻品种已经消失,农民的领域已经消失,渔业资源迅速变得枯竭。当地的水冲突已经开始在上游和下游用户之间发出火炬,其主要区域性在湄公河等主要河流中,以及跨部门,包括工业和国内使用和农业。应充分利用来自世界其他地区的课程,经验和理解,以帮助亚洲有效和公平地可持续地管理水资源和土地资源。然而,本地研究和开发能力对于解决该地区独一无二的问题至关重要。



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