
Grid-Enabled Parallel Debugging Environment: A Portal Solution




Debugging can help programmers to locate the reason for incorrect program behavior. Parallel programs' executions are much more complex than those of serial ones, which make it difficult to debug parallel programs. In contrast with traditional parallel and distributed computing environments, some new characteristics, such as largely heterogeneous and dynamic, security, and etc, appear in computational grids. These new features challenge debugging grid applications. In this paper, we design and implement a grid-enabled parallel debugging environment to simply debug grid applications. We present the concept of ad hoc computing environment in grids and the method by which this environment can be built automatically constrained to MPI-G2 application. Some capabilities, including user identification, automatic task submission, resource registering and collection can be accomplished easily through the portal. The debugging functionalities include consistent global state and race detection.
机译:调试可以帮助程序员找到不正确的程序行为的原因。并行程序的执行比串行程序更复杂,这使得难以调试并行程序。与传统的并行和分布式计算环境相比,在计算网格中出现了一些新的特征,例如基本的异构和动态,安全性等。这些新功能挑战调试网格应用程序。在本文中,我们设计并实现了支持网格的并行调试环境,以简单地调试网格应用程序。我们在网格中介绍了ad hoc计算环境的概念,并且该环境可以自动构建到MPI-G2应用程序的方法。可以通过门户轻松实现一些功能,包括用户识别,自动任务提交,资源登记和集合。调试功能包括一致的全球州和种族检测。



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