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Optical frequency mixers for WDM and TDM applications




All-optical functions such as wavelength conversion for WDM systems, gated mixing for TDM multiplexing and demultiplexing, spectral inversion for dispersion compensation, and optical switching have been widely studied in recent years. A number of techniques have been used to address various of these applications, including methods based on four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) and optical fibers, cross-gain and cross-phase modulation in SOAs, and the Kerr effect in a variety of media. Alternative methods based on three-wave mixing in χ~((2)) media, which otherwise could be applied to all of these functions with an attractive combination of low pump power, wide bandwidth, and negligible degradation of signal to noise ratio,[1] have not been widely exploited due to several technical issues. In this paper, we discuss resolution of these issues in three-wave-mixing and cascaded three-wave-mixing processes[2] based on periodically-poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide devices, and their application to wavelength conversion, spectral inversion, and dispersion compensation by mid-span spectral inversion (MSSI) in a WDM transmission system.
机译:近年来广泛研究了WDM系统的波长转换,诸如WDM系统的波长转换,用于TDM多路复用和解复用的光谱反转,以及光学切换的光谱反转以及光学切换。已经使用了许多技术来解决各种这些应用,包括基于半导体光放大器(SOA)中的四波混合的方法,以及SOA中的光纤,交叉增益和交叉相位调制以及克尔效应各种媒体。基于三波混合的α〜((2))介质的替代方法,否则可以应用于所有这些功能,具有低泵功率,宽带宽,信号较小的信噪比可忽略不计的所有功能,[ 1]由于几个技术问题,尚未被广泛利用。在本文中,我们讨论了基于周期性抛光锂铌酸锂(PPLN)波导器件的三波混合和级联三波混合过程中这些问题的解决,以及它们对波长转换,光谱反转的应用, WDM传输系统中跨度光谱反转(MSSI)的分散补偿。



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