
Competitive fuzzy clustering




In this paper, we introduce a new approach called Competitive Agglomeration (CA), which combines the advantages of hierarchical and partitional clustering techniques. The CA algorithm starts by partitioning the data set into a large number of small clusters. As the algorithm progresses, adjacent clusters compete for data points, and clusters that lose in the competition gradually become depleted and vanish. Thus, as the iterations proceed, we obtain a sequence of partitions with a progressively diminishing number of clusters. The final partition is taken to have the "optimal" number of clusters from the point of view of the objective function. Since the algorithm starts with an overspecified number of clusters, the final results are quite insensitive to the initialization and to local minima. In addition, we can incorporate different distance measures in the objective function of the CA algorithm to find an unknown number of clusters of various shapes. We illustrate the performance of the CA algorithm for the special cases of spherical, ellipsoidal, linear, and shell clusters.
机译:在本文中,我们介绍了一种称为竞争集群(CA)的新方法,该方法结合了分层和分区聚类技术的优势。 CA算法通过将数据划分为大量的小型集群来开始。随着算法的进展,相邻的群集竞争数据点,竞争中丢失的集群逐渐耗尽和消失。因此,随着迭代进行的,我们获得了一系列分区,其中逐渐减少了群集数量。从目标函数的角度来看,最终分区具有从目标函数的角度来具有“最佳”的集群。由于该算法以超出数量的群集开始,因此最终结果对初始化和局部最小值非常不敏感。此外,我们可以在CA算法的目标函数中纳入不同的距离测量,以找到各种形状的未知数量的簇。我们说明了CA算法对球形,椭圆形,线性和壳簇的特殊情况的性能。



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