
Functions for managing the network-an operational perspective

机译:管理网络的功能 - 操作视角



In the design of a mobile network, the initial attention is normally focused on technical functions of base stations, switches, microwave, cross connects etc. and the difficulties in acquiring sites and set-up of the equipment. Network management functions of the equipment has often no or only little weight during the contract negotiations. These functions get more attention during the day to day work in an operational network. Each equipment is usually delivered with its own operation and maintenance centre. This leads to the effect that in the operational centres a lot of different machines are installed. Due to the vital importance of intelligent network management to the availability, quality and the commercial success of a mobile network, consideration should be given from the very beginning to integrate these systems and functions into the planning process. The paper describes various functions for managing the network from an operational perspective. It gives the purpose of each function and a brief outline of interfaces and working methods involved.



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