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A new approach towards secure IFF technique




Identification between friend and foe (IFF) is a technique for recognising a platform, be it ship, aircraft or helicopter. It is widely used in both civil and military worlds. In the case of the former, aircraft coming in to land at airports are recognised, while various units/platforms are accessed for multiple applications in the case of the latter. The new technique being proposed here is based on the concept of public-key cryptography. Security rests in exploiting the difficulty of finding discrete logarithms over an elliptic curve (EC), where the elliptic curve itself is defined over a binary finite field. The proposed scheme has significant merits of using insecure channels, compact implementation and speed suitable for real-time applications without prejudice to confidentiality and integrity. A "challenge-response" type of protocol, typical of IFF, is being adhered to.
机译:朋友和敌人(IFF)之间的识别是一种识别平台的技术,是IT船舶,飞机或直升机。它广泛用于民间和军事世界。就前者而言,在机场登陆机场的飞机被认可,而在后者的情况下,可以访问各种单位/平台。在此提出的新技术基于公钥密码学的概念。安全性依赖于利用椭圆曲线(EC)在椭圆曲线(EC)上发现离散对数,其中椭圆曲线本身在二元有限场上定义。该拟议方案具有使用不安全渠道,紧凑的实施和速度适用于实时应用的重要优点,而不会妨碍保密性和完整性。正在遵守“挑战 - 反应”协议类型,IFF的典型方式正在遵守。



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