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Restoration Method for Satellite Image Based on Content-Aware Reciprocal Cell Pool




The challenge for the VHR satellite image restoration is how to cope with the simultaneous deblurring and denoising problem. Although the adaptive reciprocal cell (AR-cell) can be used to suppress noise in image restoration, it is an isotropic linear filter. In this letter, we analyze the AR-cell model, and then a piecewise linear version is developed to adapt to different similar image structures, giving rise to an AR-cell bank. Lastly, based on the bank, a group-wise regularization model is introduced for image restoration. Experimental results demonstrate the promising performance of the proposed method.
机译:VHR卫星图像恢复的挑战是如何应对同时解训和去噪问题。尽管可用于抑制图像恢复中的噪声的自适应互易核细胞(Ar细胞),但它是各向同性的线性滤波器。在这封信中,我们分析了AR-Cell模型,然后开发了一种分段线性版本来适应不同的图像结构,从而产生AR-Cell Bank。最后,基于银行,引入了一个群体校正正则化模型以进行图像恢复。实验结果表明了该方法的有希望的性能。



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