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A Study of the Extended Definition of Relation for Research Content Based Traceability




Trace artifacts refer to any residual data or marks of the R&D process that are made amenable to being trace. we applied this term to Research Contents for R&D project in our previous research. It is called Research Descriptor also known as RD. Furthermore, the existing researches failed to fully consider the research items existing in the form of various document files and SW configuration items, for example, the support for traceability among SW UML models and source codes, UI Form and test cases and issues on traceability with the conducted R&D process to make such outcomes. In this paper, we proposed extended definitions of various perspective relationship which to support traceability for research documents, processes and source codes during the whole period of the R&D project. Also, we considered definition of logical relationship between research contents and discussed how to manage the R&D project by tracking the RD relation type.
机译:跟踪工件是指R&D过程的任何残差数据或标记,其使痕迹扫描。我们将该术语应用于我们以前的研究中研发项目的内容。它被称为研究描述符也称为RD。此外,现有的研究未能充分考虑以各种文档文件和SW配置项的形式存在的研究项目,例如,在SW UML模型和源代码中的可追溯性,UI形式和测试用例之间的跟踪性以及可追溯性的问题进行的研发过程制作这种结果。在本文中,我们提出了各种透视关系的扩展定义,这些关系是为了支持研发项目的整个时期的研究文件,过程和源代码的可追溯性。此外,我们考虑了研究内容之间的逻辑关系的定义,并讨论了如何通过跟踪RD关系类型来管理研发项目。



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