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CNLP-NITS @ LongSumm 2021: TextRank Variant for Generating Long Summaries

机译:CNLP-NITS@LongSumm 2021:用于生成长摘要的TextRank变体



The huge influx of published papers in the field of machine learning makes the task of summarization of scholarly documents vital, not just to eliminate the redundancy but also to provide a complete and satisfying crux of the content. We participated in LongSumm 2021: The 2nd Shared Task on Generating Long Summaries for scientific documents, where the task is to generate long summaries for scientific papers provided by the organizers. This paper discusses our extractive summarization approach to solve the task. We used TextRank algorithm with the BM25 score as a similarity function. Even after being a graph-based ranking algorithm that does not require any learning, TextRank produced pretty decent results with minimal compute power and time. We attained 3rd rank according to ROUGE-1 scores (0.5131 for F-measure and 0.5271 for recall) and performed decently as shown by the ROUGE-2 scores.
机译:机器学习领域的大量已发表论文使得学术文献的摘要任务至关重要,不仅是为了消除冗余,而且是为了提供完整且令人满意的内容。我们参加了LongSumm 2021:关于为科学文献生成长摘要的第二个共享任务,该任务是为组织者提供的科学论文生成长摘要。本文讨论了解决这一问题的抽取式摘要方法。我们使用了以BM25分数为相似函数的TextRank算法。即使是在不需要任何学习的基于图形的排名算法之后,TextRank也能以最小的计算能力和时间产生相当不错的结果。根据ROUGE-1评分,我们获得了第三名(F-measure为0.5131,召回率为0.5271),表现良好,如ROUGE-2评分所示。



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