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Listen to Your Users - Quality Improvement of Mobile Apps Through Lightweight Feedback Analyses

机译:倾听您的用户 - 通过轻量级反馈分析来倾听您的用户 - 移动应用程序的质量改进



Companies developing mobile apps face increasing requirements such as short time to market or high quality. Furthermore, users have more influence on apps, as they can easily provide feedback on the product. Consequently, feedback is a valuable source for product improvement. Ideally, this would be done in an automated way. However, because of the limitations of understanding of natural language by machines, this is not possible in a satisfactory way. We have created a quality assurance process that makes use of feedback by applying lightweight analyses in order to enable product managers to take decisions. Some aspects of our process are the inclusion of emojis to reveal emotions, the detection of trends, as well as the derivation of improvement suggestions. With examples from popular apps, we show the practical application of our process.



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