
Ad hoc Privacy Management in Ubiquitous Computing Environments




Privacy in ubiquitous computing is often discussed on a technical level with a focus on cryptography and anonymization. On the other side it is equally important to concentrate on user side aspects of privacy control, i.e., to enable users of ubicomp applications to practice privacy dynamically and in an intuitive way. In our work we review previous approaches on user side management of private information in smart environments and motive a new ad hoc based, semi-automatic privacy control. We present a privacy focused, data mining powered interaction model with ubicomp services and provide a prototype environment for evaluating this model. This environment can be used to perform and capture privacy related service interaction in a user study with real users as well as in a simulation with agents simulating users and their privacy related service interaction. Finally we show results of a first simulation which initially tests the proposed interaction model in the prototype environment.
机译:普遍存在计算中的隐私通常会在技术水平上讨论,重点是加密和匿名化。另一方面,专注于隐私控制的用户方面,即,使UBICOMP应用程序的用户能够动态地练习隐私,并以直观的方式练习隐私。在我们的工作中,我们在智能环境中审查了以前的用户侧管理的方法,并激活了一个新的Ad Hoc,半自动隐私控制。我们介绍了一个专注的隐私,数据挖掘有源交互模型与UBICOMP服务,并提供了用于评估该模型的原型环境。此环境可用于在使用真实用户的用户学习中执行和捕获隐私相关的服务交互,以及模拟用户的代理和其隐私相关服务交互的模拟。最后,我们显示了第一模拟的结果,最初测试了原型环境中所提出的交互模型。



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