
Implicit Terrorist Networks: A Two-Mode Social Network Analysis of Terrorism in India




Recent studies examine factors that lead to the emergence of terrorism and why some locations are more frequently targeted than others. However, much of the research assumes that terrorist, incidents and groups are independent. We show that the assumption of independence is not always valid. Instead, we identify the conditions under which terrorist groups share choices over target locations, forming Implicit Terrorist Networks. We demonstrate the utility of this approach by examining Islamic terrorism in India (1990-2015). Using a two-mode network approach, we find that violent target locations are not independent of each other, but instead have a tendency to occur in clusters. The results highlight the patterns by which India has been targeted by a number of active, Islamic terrorist organizations over a 25-year period. More generally, our study: (1) demonstrates the utility of employing an Implicit Network approach to understanding terrorism, (2) shows that cluster analysis can assist in identifying terror group aliases, (3) identifies unexpected locations for violence that may indicate the involvement of external factors, providing leads for counter terrorism efforts, and (4) provides a tool for identifying the structures underlying patterns of global terrorism.
机译:最近的研究检查导致恐怖主义的出现的因素以及为什么某些地方比其他地方更频繁地瞄准。然而,大部分研究假定恐怖主义,事件和团体是独立的。我们表明独立的假设并不总是有效的。相反,我们确定恐怖主义组在目标位置共享选择的条件,形成隐式恐怖网络。我们通过在印度审查伊斯兰恐怖主义(1990 - 2015年)来证明这种方法的效用。使用双模式网络方法,我们发现暴力目标位置彼此不合适,而是倾向于在集群中发生。结果强调了印度在25年期间由一些活跃的伊斯兰恐怖组织所针对的模式。更一般地,我们的研究:(1)展示了采用隐式网络方法来了解恐怖主义的效用,(2)表明集群分析可以帮助识别恐怖组别名,(3)确定可能表明参与的暴力的意外位置外部因素,提供反恐工作的引导,(4)提供了一种识别全球恐怖主义模式的结构的工具。



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