首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Microarchitecture >Pipelining a Triggered Processing Element

Pipelining a Triggered Processing Element




Programmable spatial architectures composed of ensembles of autonomous fixed-ISA processing elements offer a compelling design point between the flexibility of an FPGA and the compute density of a GPU or shared-memory many-core. The design regularity of spatial architectures demands examination of the processing element microarchitecture early in the design process to optimize overall efficiency.This paper considers the microarchitectural issues surrounding pipelining a spatial processing element with triggered-instruction control. We propose two new techniques to mitigate pipeline hazards particular to spatial accelerators and non-program-counter architectures, evaluating them using in-vivo performance counters from an FPGA prototype coupled with a rigorous VLSI power and timing estimation methodology. We consider the effect of modern, post-Dennard-scaling CMOS technology on the energy-delay tradeoffs and identify a set of microarchitectures optimal for both high-performance and low-power application settings. Our analysis reveals the effectiveness of our hazard mitigation techniques as well as the range of microarchitectures designers might consider when selecting a processing element for triggered spatial accelerators.



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