
Consensus Policy Based Multi-agent Negotiation




Multiagent negotiation may be understood as a consensus based group decision-making which ideally should seek the agreement of all the participants. However, there exist situations where an unanimous agreement is not possible or simply the rules imposed by the system do not seek such unanimous agreement. In this paper we propose to use a consensus policy based mediation framework (CPMF) to perform multiagent negotiations. This proposal fills a gap in the literature where protocols are in most cases indirectly biased to search for a quorum. The mechanisms proposed to perform the exploration of the negotiation space are derived from the Generalized Pattern Search non-linear optimization technique (GPS). The mediation mechanisms are guided by the aggregation of the agent preferences on the set of alternatives the mediator proposes in each negotiation round. Considerable interest is focused on the implementation of the mediation rules where we allow for a linguistic description of the type of agreements needed. We show empirically that CPMF efficiently manages negotiations following predefined consensus policies and solves situations where unanimous agreements are not viable.



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