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Towards User-Oriented RBAC Model




Role mining recently has attracted much attention from the role-based access control (RBAC) research community as it provides a machine-operated means of discovering roles from existing permission assignments. While there is a rich body of literature on role mining, we find that user experience/perception - one ultimate goal for any information system - is surprisingly ignored by the existing works. This work is the first to study role mining from the end-user perspective. Specifically, based on the observation that end-users prefer simple role assignments, we propose to incorporate to the role mining process a user-role assignment sparseness constraint that mandates the maximum number of roles each user can have. Under this rationale, we formulate user-oriented role mining as two specific problems: one is user-oriented exact role mining problem (RMP), which is obliged to completely reconstruct the given permission assignments, and the other is user-oriented approximate RMP, which tolerates a certain amount of deviation from the complete reconstruction. The extra sparseness constraint pose sa great challenge to role mining, which in general is already a hard problem. We examine some typical existing role mining methods to see their applicability to our problems. In light of their insufficiency, we present a new algorithm, which is based on a novel dynamic candidate role generation strategy, tailored to our problems. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.
机译:角色挖掘最近引起了基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)研究社区的关注,因为它提供了从现有权限分配中发现角色的机器操作手段。虽然在角色挖掘上有丰富的文学体验,但我们发现用户体验/感知 - 任何信息系统的一个最终目标 - 令人惊讶地忽略了现有的作品。这项工作是第一个从最终用户的角度学习角色挖掘。具体而言,基于终人用户更喜欢简单角色分配的观察,我们建议将角色挖掘过程结合到一个用户角色分配稀疏约束,该限制每个用户可以拥有的最大角色数量。在这个理由下,我们将面向用户的角色挖掘制定为两个特定问题:一个是用户导向的精确挖掘问题(RMP),它有义务完全重建给定的权限分配,另一个是用户导向的近似RMP,可容忍从完全重建的一定程度的偏差。额外的稀释约束对角色挖掘构成了巨大挑战,这通常已经是一个难题。我们研究了一些典型的现有角色挖掘方法,以了解他们对我们问题的适用性。鉴于他们的不足,我们提出了一种新的算法,该算法基于新的动态候选角色生成策略,针对我们的问题量身定制。基准数据集的实验证明了我们所提出的算法的有效性。



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