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The patrimonialization process of advertising: from scorn and mistrust to documentary heritage, archive, and history




This short essay aims at tracing the patrimonialization process of advertising from the 19~(th) century to nowadays. The process followed third steps. First, advertising evolved from a despised object to a valuable cultural artifact. Considered as useless or deceitful in first place, advertising has gradually managed to gain legitimacy as a useful and even necessary tool for both companies that want to sell their products and for consumers in search of information, and finally as a cultural artifact and a work of art worthy of being collected or entering museums or exhibitions (from French poster designers such as Jules Chéret or Toulouse-Lautrec to the ?creative revolution? in the 1960s or the more recent exhibitions ? Goudemalion ? at the ? Musée des Arts Décoratifs ? in Paris in 2012). This process of recognition is mainly due to the efforts made by advertisers who participate in the profesionalization process of their activities at the time. The second and more recent step, from a cultural object to an archive, raises such sensible issues as collecting and preserving advertisements; digitization (digitized/digital-born ads; methods and tools); metadata and semantic. As a specific archive, torn between abundance and scarcity or unequal quality of data, it requires a specific ?literacy? from archivists who need to be trained for that purpose. The case of Duke University will serve to illustrate these questions. The last step from an available archive to a historical material also requires a special ? literacy ? for historians to build databases and corpora, to identify and select the accurate documents, to choose the appropriate methodology and tools to examine and interpret this specific material. Finally, the question of whether and how to use advertising as a material to imagine new forms of historical narratives (visual or digital narratives, virtual exhibits) will be explored. Last but not least, we will examine the transformation of ads in the last decade through digital approaches, the impact of digitization on copyright and on the preservation and study of advertising.
机译:这篇简短的论文旨在追查从19〜(th)世纪到目前为止的广告的选定过程。该过程跟踪了第三步。首先,广告从一个鄙视的物体演变为有价值的文化艺术品。被认为是无用或欺骗的第一名,广告已经逐渐设法为两家公司作为一种有用甚至必要的工具,这两家想要出售其产品和消费者寻找信息,最后作为文化艺术品和工作艺术值得被收集或进入博物馆或展览(从法国海报设计师那里(如juleschéret或toulouse-lautrec)到了?创意革命?在20世纪60年代或最近的展览中?Goudemalion?在?Muséedes artsdécoratifs?在巴黎在2012年)。这种认可过程主要是由于广告商在当时参与其活动的潜在活动的努力。从文化对象到存档的第二步和更近的步骤提出了收集和保存广告的这种明智的问题;数字化(数字化/数字出生的广告;方法和工具);元数据和语义。作为特定的档案,在丰度和稀缺之间撕裂或不平等的数据质量,它需要特定的?识字率?来自需要接受培训的档案家。杜克大学的案例将用于说明这些问题。从可用存档到历史材料的最后一步也需要一个特殊的?扫盲?对于历史学家来构建数据库和Corpora,要识别和选择准确的文档,请选择适当的方法和工具来检查和解释该特定材料。最后,将探讨是否以及如何使用广告作为一种以想象新形式的历史叙事(视觉或数字叙述,虚拟展品)的材料。最后但并非最不重要的是,我们将在过去十年通过数字方法,数字化对版权的影响以及广告的保护和研究的影响。



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