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The generation and effect of salt on brick masonry An analysis of crumbling walls in DKG Area and cultivation around Mohenjo-daro focused at Indus Valley Civilization




The Moenjo Daro city was initially designed to be semi amphibian, such agricultural amphibian cities also exist today in the neighbouring places located in Sindh. Soon after excavation problems appeared; despite of numerous attempts for restoration; the problems still prevail. In this paper, I have attempted to address the issues considering the root causes thus have divided the paper into two major parts. The water level and salts are not surely the sole factor -cause for deterioration of buildings as e.g. the geology of the area is another factor (seismic data, crust movements, winds etc.). Throughout the study, the main cause which is the effect of salt have been scientifically analysed asking basic but viable questions like how, where and why it the salt attacks. The research is further taken into experimental consideration to authenticate the findings and possible recommendations have been also provided. The proposed recommendations are less expensive, easy to commence and maintain and authentic in increasing the longevity of Mohenjo-daro baked brick masonry. The present research is taken mainly in the DK area where tall walls still towering the area. The main street, chief house, mud brick wall and other were considered for sampling. After which the immediate surroundings of the Mohenjo-daro were also previewed where cultivation is regularly exercised. This activity has immensely contributed the problem and has increased the water table and salinity in the top surface soil and has ultimately become the major source for the generations of the salts. A workable low cast proposal has been provided; if launched, the fruits will be immense.
机译:Moenjo Daro City最初是旨在成为半两栖动物的,此类农业两栖市城市今天也存在于位于Sindh的邻近地区。在挖掘问题出现后不久;尽管有许多尝试恢复;问题仍然是胜利的。在本文中,我试图解决考虑到根本原因的问题,从而将纸张分成两个主要部分。水位和盐不肯定是唯一的因素,因为建筑物的恶化如例如,该地区的地质是另一个因素(地震数据,地壳运动,风等)。在整个研究中,盐的影响的主要原因是科学分析的基本但可行的问题,如如何,盐攻的方式,在哪里以及为什么。该研究进一步采用实验考虑,以验证调查结果,也提供了可能的建议。拟议的建议较便宜,易于开始和维持和正宗在增加Mohenjo-Daro烘焙砖砌砖的长寿时。本研究主要是在DK区域,高层墙体仍然高耸的地区。主要街道,首席房屋,泥砖墙和其他被认为是采样的。之后,还预先预先培养了Mohenjo-Daro的直接周围环境。这项活动非常促进了这个问题,并增加了顶面土壤中的水位和盐度,最终成为世代盐的主要来源。提供了可行的低强制提案;如果推出,水果将是巨大的。



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