
What do they want now? Qualitative regrounding of the LibQUAL+ survey

机译:他们现在想要什么? LibQual +调查的定性重新研磨



The LibQUAL+ centre piece web-based survey that enables libraries to assess their service is internationally respected for its rigorous development and testing (Kyrillidou, 2009b). Built on the premise that "only customers judge quality; all other judgements are essentially irrelevant" (Zeithaml, et al, 1990); the questionnaire was initially developed following a series of interviews conducted in late 1999 - early 2000 with academic library customers on what constitutes a quality library service (Cook, et al, 2002). Further qualitative and quantitative research iterations completed in 2004 resulted in the core 22 questions currently used. LibQUAL+ has provided libraries with a customer satisfaction benchmarking tool which is easy to administer and cost effective. The success of the tool has been partially due to the survey questions relevance to the expectations of library customers. In order to remain current however, LibQUAL+ must review the questions asked of the library customers to ensure that it remains relevant as user expectations alter over time (McKinght, 2008). Do the needs of the academic library customer still align to the views held over a decade ago?
机译:利用基于网络的网络调查,使图书馆能够评估其服务,以其严格的开发和测试(Kylillidou,2009b)国际尊重。建立在“只有客户判断质量;所有其他判断基本上不相关”(Zeithaml,等,1990)建立在内部前提。问卷最初在1999年底进行的一系列采访后开发 - 2000年初,学术图书馆客户致力于构成质量图书馆服务(Cook,等,2002)。 2004年完成的进一步定性和定量研究迭代导致目前使用的核心22个问题。 LibQual +已经提供了具有客户满意度基准工具的库,便于管理和成本效益。该工具的成功部分是由于调查问题与图书馆客户的期望相关。然而,为了保持最新状态,利巴斯+必须审查图书馆客户的问题,以确保其随着时间的推移而改变它仍然相关(Mckinght,2008)。学术图书馆客户的需求仍然与十年前举行的观点一致吗?




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