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On Re-use of randomness in broadcast encryption




Broadcast encryption provides an efficient way to encrypt a message for a large number of receivers. This paper investigates whether it is possible to further improve efficiency of an existing state-of-the-art broadcast encryption scheme by reusing a some of the random choices among different encryptions, without compromising the security of the original scheme. We introduce two schemes: the first allows a transmitter to efficiently encrypt several messages to a set of users; the second scheme extends the first by allowing the transmitter to efficiently send independent messages to different groups at once. We illustrate two scenarios where our schemes provide significant advantages compared to existing solutions.
机译:广播加密提供了一种用于加密大量接收器的消息的有效方法。 本文通过重用不同加密之间的一些随机选择,研究是否有可能进一步提高现有最先进的广播加密方案的效率,而不会影响原始方案的安全性。 我们介绍了两种方案:首先允许发射机有效地将几个消息加密到一组用户; 第二种方案通过允许发射机能够一次将独立的消息有效地向不同的组发送独立消息来扩展第一方案。 我们说明了与现有解决方案相比,我们的计划提供了显着优势的情况。



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