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WhACKY! - What anyone could know about you from Twitter

机译:喊叫! - 从Twitter上讲,有人能知道什么



Twitter is a popular micro-blogging website which allows users to post 140-character limit messages called tweets. We demonstrate a cheap and elegant solution - WhACKY! - to harness the multi-source information from tweets to link Twitter profiles across other external services. In particular, we exploit activity feed sharing patterns to map Twitter profiles to their corresponding external service accounts using publicly available APIs. We illustrate a proof-of-concept by mapping 69,496 Twitter profiles to at least one of the five popular external services : Flickr (photo-sharing service), Foursquare (location-based service), YouTube (video-sharing service), Facebook (a popular social network) and LastFM (music-sharing service). We evaluate our solution against a commercial social identity mapping service - FlipTop - and demonstrate the efficiency of our approach. WhACKY! guarantees that the mapped profiles are 100% true-positive and helps quantify the unintended leakage of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) attributes. During the process, WhACKY! is also able to detect duplicate Twitter profiles connected to multiple external services.We also develop a web application based on WhACKY!1 for perusal by Twitterers which can help them better understand unintended leakage of their PII.
机译:Twitter是一个受欢迎的微博客网站,允许用户发布称为推文的140个字符限制消息。我们展示了一个廉价而优雅的解决方案 - Whacky! - 要利用推文中的多源信息,以将Twitter配置文件链接到其他外部服务。特别是,我们利用活动馈送共享模式将Twitter配置文件映射到其相应的外部服务帐户,使用公开的API。我们通过将69,496个Twitter配置文件映射到五个流行的外部服务中的至少一个:Flickr(照片共享服务),FourSquare(基于位置),YouTube(视频共享服务),Facebook(Facebook)来说明概念验证一个受欢迎的社交网络)和Lastfm(音乐共享服务)。我们评估我们对商业社会识别映射服务的解决方案 - Fliptop - 并展示了我们方法的效率。喊叫!保证映射的简档为100%真正阳性,并有助于量化个人身份信息(PII)属性的意外泄漏。在这个过程中,喊了!还能够检测连接到多个外部服务的重复的Twitter配置文件。我们还基于Whacky的Web应用程序开发了一个Web应用程序,因为Twitterers可以帮助他们更好地理解他们的PII的意外泄漏。



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