首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance >Bacterio: Java mutation testing tool: A framework to evaluate quality of tests cases

Bacterio: Java mutation testing tool: A framework to evaluate quality of tests cases




Mutation testing is one of the most effective techniques to evaluate the quality of a test suites. Due to its tasks and its costs, a tool to automate and reduce costs of mutation testing is required, in order to perform mutation analyses. Bacterio is a Java mutation testing tool that automates the tasks to perform mutation analyses and that implements a set of mutation techniques that reduce the costs of mutation and the execution mutant time drastically. Thus, this tool helps testers to evaluate the quality of their tests, keeping mutation cheap and fast.
机译:突变测试是评估测试套件质量的最有效技术之一。由于其任务及其成本,需要一种自动化和降低突变测试成本的工具,以便进行突变分析。 Bacterio是一种Java突变测试工具,可自动执行突变分析的任务,并实现一组突变技术,从而大大降低了突变成本和执行突变时间。因此,该工具可帮助测试人员评估其测试的质量,保持突变便宜和快速。



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