首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance >Industrial experiences with automated regression testing of a legacy database application

Industrial experiences with automated regression testing of a legacy database application




This paper presents a practical approach and tool (DART) for functional black-box regression testing of complex legacy database applications. Such applications are important to many organizations, but are often difficult to change and consequently prone to regression faults during maintenance. They also tend to be built without particular considerations for testability and can be hard to control and observe. We have therefore devised a practical solution for functional regression testing that captures the changes in database state (due to data manipulations) during the execution of a system under test. The differences in changed database states between consecutive executions of the system under test, on different system versions, can help identify potential regression faults. In order to make the regression test approach scalable for large, complex database applications, classification tree models are used to prioritize test cases. The test case prioritization can be applied to reduce test execution costs and analysis effort. We report on how DART was applied and evaluated on business critical batch jobs in a legacy database application in an industrial setting, namely the Norwegian Tax Accounting System (SOFIE) at the Norwegian Tax Department (NTD). DART has shown promising fault detection capabilities and cost-effectiveness and has contributed to identify many critical regression faults for the past eight releases of SOFIE.
机译:本文提出了一种实用的方法和工具(DART),用于复杂传统数据库应用程序的功能黑匣子回归测试。此类应用对许多组织很重要,但通常难以在维护期间更换并因此容易发生回归故障。它们还倾向于在没有特殊考虑因素的情况下建造,并且可以难以控制和观察。因此,我们设计了一个实用的解决方案,用于功能回归测试,其在执行被测系统期间捕获数据库状态(由于数据操作)的变化。在不同系统版本的正在测试的系统的连续执行中发生更改的数据库状态的差异,可以帮助识别潜在的回归故障。为了使回归测试方法可扩展到大型,复杂的数据库应用程序,分类树模型用于优先考虑测试用例。可以应用测试案例优先级以降低测试执行成本和分析工作。我们报告如何在工业环境中的遗产数据库申请中应用和评估飞镖,即挪威税务部(NTD)的挪威税务会计制度(SOFIE)。 DART已经显示出有希望的故障检测能力和成本效益,并有助于确定过去八个索菲释放的许多关键回归故障。



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