
Radar tomography




Results of experimental researches on radar sounding of non-uniform mediums and objects with use as multi frequency scanning in a UWB strip (from 0.5 up to 17 GHz), and sub nanosecond impulses are considered. It is shown, that addition of measurements by angular and spatial scanning with SAR technologies to realize 3-D tomography inhomogeneous with the spatial resolutions about 1 cm at the physical models of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with substance in which dominating mechanisms are allocated lay. It allows to simplify essentially the decision of inverse problems and to use fast algorithms of their realization. Focusing of radiation is carried out with use of mirrors, lenses, and also methods of 3-D coordinated filtrations with regularizalion. The examples confirming working capacity of a method for without contact tomography of structure of a forest, detection and visualization landmines hidden under a rough surface of sand are resulted. The description of the developed experimental installations is given. It is shown, that using of UWB radiation allows raising considerably accuracy of measurements at preservation of a real time scale of data processing.



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