
Actions as Special Cases




This paper is motivated by the idea of interaction between two directions of research in knowledge representation: the design of action description languages and the development of libraries of reusable, general-purpose knowledge components. Writing an action description that characterizes actions in terms of their effects, as common today, can be compared to writing a program that does not use standard subroutines. We conjecture that a library of standard descriptions for a number of "basic" actions can facilitate writing, understanding and modifying action descriptions. In this paper, we take some steps towards determining how such a library, written in the action language C+, can be used. When using an instance of a library action description, we relate the library constants to the domain-specific constants by providing definitions. Therefore, a theory of explicit definitions in C+ is developed. To illustrate the use of the library, we show how the action PushBox in the Monkey and Bananas domain can be described as a special case of the "library action" Move.
机译:本文的激励是知识表示的两个研究方向之间的互动思想:行动描述语言的设计和可重复使用的通用知识组件的图书馆的开发。编写一个动作描述,其在其效果方面表征了行动,如同今天,可以与编写不使用标准子程序的程序进行比较。我们猜想了许多“基本”动作的标准描述库可以促进写作,理解和修改行动描述。在本文中,我们可以使用一些步骤来确定在动作语言C +中写入的这种库的方法。当使用库操作描述的实例时,我们通过提供定义将库常量与域特定常量相关联。因此,开发了C +中的明确定义理论。为了说明图书馆的使用,我们展示了猴子和香蕉域中的动作按钮如何描述为“库动作”移动的特殊情况。



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