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Experience Report: Design and Implementation of a Component-Based Protection Architecture for ASP.NET Web Services

机译:经验报告:设计和实现ASP.NET Web服务的基于组件的保护架构



This report reflects, from a software engineering perspective, on the experience of designing and implementing protection mechanisms for ASP.NET Web services. The limitations of Microsoft ASP.NET container security mechanisms render them inadequate for hosting enterprise-scale applications that have to be protected according to diverse and/or complex application-specific security policies. In this paper we report on our experience of designing and implementing a component-based architecture for protecting enterprise-grade Web service applications hosted by ASP.NET. Due to its flexibility and extensibility, this architecture enables the integration of ASP.NET into the organizational security infrastructure with less effort by Web service developers. The architecture has been implemented in a real-world security solution. This paper also contributes a best practice on constructing flexible and extensible authentication and authorization logic for Web services by using Resource Access Decision and Attribute Function (AF) architectural styles. Furthermore, the lessons learned from our design and implementation experiences are discussed throughout the paper.
机译:本报告从软件工程角度反映了设计和实施ASP.NET Web服务的保护机制的体验。 Microsoft ASP.NET容器安全机制的局限性使它们不足以托管必须根据不同的和/或复杂的应用程序特定的安全策略保护的企业级级应用程序。在本文中,我们报告了我们的设计和实现基于组件的体系结构的经验,用于保护ASP.NET托管的企业级Web服务应用程序。由于其灵活性和可扩展性,此架构使ASP.NET将ASP.NET集成到组织安全基础架构中,并且通过Web服务开发人员的努力较少。该架构已在真实的安全解决方案中实现。本文还通过使用资源访问决策和属性函数(AF)架构样式来为Web服务构建灵活和可扩展身份验证和授权逻辑的最佳实践。此外,在整个论文中讨论了我们的设计和实施经验中汲取的经验教训。



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